Meaningful Participation Program

Planned Future Improvements

2024年夏天,MPP将被整合到OUWB的教师数据跟踪系统SmartPath™中. SmartPath™系统用于促进教师生命周期, 包括但不限于预约所需的文件, reappointments, promotions, and curriculum vitae development and maintenance.

Program Purpose

每位在十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院有标准预约的教员都必须参加 Meaningful Participation Program. 该项目确保了教师的参与,报告工具允许教师记录他们在医学院的贡献. There are two components to the program.

MPP Components
  • 教师专业发展(第一部分)- 3学分
    Professional development activities enhance the faculty member’s professional knowledge or their skills and abilities; such as conferences or workshops specific to medical education in a designated field of study.
  • Service Credits (Component 2) – 9 Credits Required:
    Service activities include committee, community, professional, 支持OUWB医学院愿景和使命的学术或教育服务.

Meaningful Participation Program

OUWB Professional Development & Service Activities Chart

Meaningful Participation Program Helpful Tips



What is the Meaningful Participation Program?
Who is required to participate in the MPP?
What are the performance expectations for MPP?
  • Faculty Professional Development
  • Service

这些组成部分可在任命委员会的指导下每年加以修正, 在章程中概述的晋升和任期(CAPT).

Each faculty member with a standard appointment must:

  • 在三年的课程中参加相当于三次教师专业发展活动(预约时间框架).
  • Obtain nine service credits over a three-year period.
  • 确保活动准确入账,及时沟通, 每位教师被要求定期在医学院提供的跟踪工具中自我报告他/她的活动.
  • 每位教员必须向MPP管理员提供博蒙特电子邮件地址.
How are faculty required to report activity?

确保活动准确入账,及时沟通, 每位教师都必须每月通过医学院提供的电子邮件跟踪工具自我报告他/她的活动. 该电子邮件包含如何访问MPP跟踪工具的说明.

The tracking tool is not intended to replace your CV. 您只需要在报告工具中输入以下内容,以满足您的要求并保持您的教师任命:

以下标准将用于监视活动. 改进建议应提交给教务协调员,地址为 [email protected].



Activities may include:

Web-based activities may also be of value. Because of the diverse nature of these activities, in general, 1-2小时的研讨会或讲座将算作1次活动.



Service credits may be obtained through:

  • OUWB committee participation
  • OUWB Embark or PRISM Mentor
  • OUWB Application Screener or Admissions Interviewer
  • 向外部和教育机构提供与健康相关的社区服务
  • Authorship and presentations
How are clinical faculty re-appointed?


Faculty members who do not 符合要求的人将丧失其在OUWB的教职资格. 根据相应系主任的推荐,学校可以考虑重新任命的新申请. At that time, the candidate, in partnership with his/her department chair, 必须确定责任的具体范围和对开放大学的学术使命的预期贡献. 失去任用的个人的重新任用建议须经系主任批准, DCAPT, CAPT, Dean and the Oakland University Board of Trustees.

在两个单独的任命时间框架内未能满足MPP的个人将不再有资格获得OUWB的教员任命. 失去教职的教职员工可能会丧失参加医生付款人调整计划(PPAP)的机会。.

Contact Information

Deirdre Pitts, Ph.D., SCP-IPMA
Associate Dean for Faculty & Staff Affairs & Professional Development
[email protected]

Janine DeWitte, M.Ed., PHR
Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs & Professional Development
[email protected]

Michelle Knox, BS, CHRS
Manager of Faculty Affairs & Professional Development
[email protected]

Brian December
Faculty Affairs Coordinator
[email protected]

Katie Weyand
Faculty Affairs Coordinator 
[email protected] 

MPP Login Troubleshooting Tips

MPP Magic Link Tips:


1. 尝试不同的浏览器,Chrome或Firefox最好 

2. Set your cookies to low

3. Clear your cookies and cache

4. 如果你复制和粘贴你的电子邮件地址到魔术链接栏, make sure there are no spaces or irregularities

5. 如果您的博蒙特或辅助电子邮件不起作用,请联系 [email protected]