十大菠菜台子警察 Department

Police and Support Services Building
Rochester, MI 48309-4451
Cell Phone and Non-Emergency: (248) 370-3331
Campus Status Hotline: (248) 370-2000
Hours of Operation: 24/7 Lobby and Communications


Ordinance 3.05停车标志、指示. 任何人不得将机动车辆停在校园内的指定泊车位以外,或停在校长或其指定人员授权张贴的任何标志所禁止的任何地点或方式, or contrary to the express direction of any Police Officer.

十大菠菜台子的游客可以享受先到者免费停车, 标间.  为了避免收到 停车的引用, 将车停在车辆两侧平行泊车档线所指定的合法泊车位.

Driving or parking on grass or sidewalks is prohibited.

雪紧急情况Parking Map


Do not pay a citation if you submit an appeal. If the appeal is upheld, violation fees cannot be refunded.

Pay Online

Parking citations can be paid online via our secure portal. Citation payments are non-refundable. 请参阅我们的 网站隐私声明 付款前.

Pay Online

Pay by mail

Parking citation payments can be mailed to:


为了您的方便, you may use the pre-addressed envelope, 包括在你的引用中, to mail your check or money order. Please remember to print your name, 地址和引用编号在信封外面提供的空白处. 请不要寄现金.


您可以用信用卡付款, debit card, check, money order, or cash (exact change only) at the OU警务处. 在正常工作时间,请到警察及支援服务大楼127室. 营业时间以外, 你可以把钱放在调度中心的安全投寄箱里. 放入投币箱的款项将在下一个工作日处理.


Appeals may be submitted using the link below. 上诉由行政中尉收到,必须在指定的日期提出,以避免滞纳金.

Late fees do not accrue while a citation is under appeal. 如果上诉被拒绝,一旦判决作出,滞纳金将继续上涨.

If you have difficulties appealing a citation online, call the 十大菠菜台子警察 at (248) 370-2826 for assistance. The appeals process is not an alternative to full compliance with the parking regulations; therefore, 以下问题是 NOT 上诉的正当理由.

  • I only parked in that space for a few minutes.
  • 我没看到牌子.
  • I’m not familiar with the parking rules and regulations.
  • 我没有零钱.
  • There aren't enough legal/convenient parking spaces.
  • 没有其他人收到罚单.
  • I have never received a ticket before in that area.
  • 罚款太多了.
  • Time constraints, I was running late.
  • I was only parked or stopped for a brief period of time.
  • This offense has never been enforced before.

Do not pay a citation if you submit an appeal. If the appeal is upheld, violation fees cannot be refunded.



Ordinance 3.05停车标志、指示. 任何人不得将机动车辆停在校园内的指定泊车位以外,或停在校长或其指定人员授权张贴的任何标志所禁止的任何地点或方式, or contrary to the express direction of any Police Officer.

Citations must be paid or appealed within 10 days to avoid late fees.

ViolationFine **Max ^ **
残疾人停车$ 100.00$ 130.00
仅限电动汽车$ 30.00$ 60.00
过期的计$ 30.00$ 60.00
Fire Lane$ 30.00$ 60.00
凌晨2-6点禁止停车$ 30.00$ 60.00
非指定区域$ 30.00$ 60.00
允许改变$ 30.00$ 60.00
许可证过期$ 30.00$ 60.00
允许被偷$ 30.00$ 60.00
许可证未显示$ 30.00$ 60.00
禁止停车$ 30.00$ 60.00
雪紧急$ 30.00$ 60.00
违反时限$ 30.00$ 60.00



What happens if I do not answer a 停车的引用?

  • 10美元的滞纳金适用于10、20和30天后未答复的引用.  A citation may accrue a maximum of $30 in late fees. Late fees do not accrue while a citation is under appeal. 如果上诉被拒绝,一旦判决作出,滞纳金将继续上涨.
  • 车辆的登记车主将在30天后收到未答复的传票通知.
  • Unanswered citations will be transferred to Citation Collection Services, LLC 90天后.  除了引用的面值和任何累积的滞纳金外,还将增加一笔收集费.

Three (3) or more unanswered citations may hinder your ability to 更新你的车牌 与密歇根州州务卿联系,可能导致您的车辆被扣押,恕不另行通知.



  • Raise the hood of the vehicle and use the emergency flashing system.
  • 与OUPD联系,提供车辆的确切位置和牌照号码,以获得帮助.



如果停放在校园内的车辆出现无法操作,并已停放一段时间, 它可能被视为被遗弃. Once a vehicle is believed to be abandoned, an officer will tag the vehicle with an orange impound tag. 一旦被贴上标签,车辆必须在48小时内根据1949年第300号法案被移除.

Some examples of why a vehicle may appear inoperable include:

  • One or more flat tires or wheels missing
  • Equipment required to operate the vehicle is missing (i.e. engine)
  • 车牌遗失

What to Do if Your Vehicle is Impounded

Visit the 扣押车辆 tab on this page for information on how to retrieve your vehicle.


十大菠菜台子的游客可以享受先到者免费停车, 标间. 为了避免收到 停车的引用, 将车停在车辆两侧平行黄线所标示的合法泊车位. Visitors should also avoid parking in restricted spots, which are identified by signs in front of the spot.

免费泊车(收费车位除外),先到先得, 标间 at 十大菠菜台子. 附近的停车场 O'rena include:

残疾人停车 is available in all OU parking lots with 残疾人停车牌.

计划过夜离开车辆的游客应熟悉我们的 夜间停车 policy.

雪紧急情况 是否可在校园降下或预计降下3英寸或以上的雪时宣布, 由国家气象局和/或其他执法气象资源报告.  在紧急降雪期间,所有车辆必须离开地面停车场.

Driving or parking on grass or sidewalks is prohibited.

Parking MapO'Rena安全和安保


残疾人停车 placards are only issued through the Michigan Secretary of State Office停车服务 does NOT issue 残疾人停车牌.

If you have a disability parking placard or license plate:

  • 你必须是车辆的司机或乘客,才能把车停在残疾人停车场的“蓝色空间”.”
  • 不要把车停在有轮椅升降机的货车需要的蓝色条纹线上.
  • 残疾人停车 anywhere in the U.S. 你有时间吗?.
  • Hang the placard from the rearview mirror. (开车时取下.)


  • Loan your disability placard to another person.
  • Knowingly use a disability placard that has been canceled or replaced.
  • 当残疾不再存在时,使用残疾标牌或车牌.
  • 使用已故家庭成员的残疾牌或车牌.
  • Copy, alter or forge a disability placard or license plate.

Contact us 向…报告违规行为 OUPD. 处罚可能包括最高500美元的罚款和最高30天的监禁.



Parking is prohibited in most lots between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. 校园内的过夜停车场(停车场除外)以绿色荧光条标示,可在以下地点使用:

  • Ann V. Nicholson Student Apartments parking lots.
  • George T. 马修斯公寓停车场.
  • P5和P11停车场.
  • Portions of the P1 and P3 parking lots
  • All covered spaces in the P29 and P32 parking structures.

在特别活动期间或 体育活动 在校园内,可能会暂时限制或暂停在一个或多个停车场停车. 这些临时停车限制将传达给校园社区,并有足够的时间遵守命令. 逾期停在限制区的车辆,将获发牌照 citation and impounded.



十大菠菜台子 is a pedestrian-friendly campus, 这意味着通往校园中心附近建筑的道路可能有限. This can make deliveries to campus buildings challenging. 最好提前计划好你的路线,如果有任何问题,请咨询你的联系人.

为了避免收到 citation from the OUPD, delivery drivers should:

  • Plan their route before arriving on campus by consulting the campus map
  • Use available loading docks for active loading and unloading.
  • 在没有主动装卸货物的情况下,将车辆移出装卸码头,停在合法的停车位上.
  • 避免在校园街道上停车装卸货物,否则可能会被以妨碍交通为由发出传票.
  • Avoid driving and/or parking on the grass and sidewalks.
  • 避免在消防车道上停车.

If you have any questions regarding deliveries on campus, please contact the OU警务处 at (248) 370-3331.


Vehicles may be towed under the following circumstances:

  • 装货区:车辆停在特别指定的装载区
  • 受限制的空间:张贴为特定许可证类别或用途而受限制的空间
  • University Service Vehicle Spaces:专为大学车辆或服务车辆预留的车位
  • 残疾摊位:为有残疾人士牌照或招牌的人士预留的车位
  • 杰出的侵犯:任何违反多项停车条例的车辆
  • 雪紧急情况:车辆停在 雪灾应急地点 during a declared snow emergency
  • 残疾人车辆: Vehicles broken down and blocking the normal flow of traffic
  • 特别活动:车辆停在 lots temporarily closed for special events

If you believe your vehicle was impounded, you should:

  • Report to the OU Police service window in the Police and Support Services building
  • Confirm that your vehicle has, in fact, been impounded
  • Pay any outstanding fees with OU Police
  • 申请扣押释放表
  • 将释放表格交至:

    399 South St.
    (248) 651-4180
  • 出示扣押释放表,并结算收回车辆的评估费用
